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Showing posts from December, 2013

Oh, Life...

Have you ever felt anxious?  I like to think that I am a fairly grounded, reasonable person.  I tell myself that I am down-to-earth and that I go with the flow.  These are lies.  It's much easier to lie to myself than to simplify my life, let go of the things that make me crazy, and actually become that person I tell myself I already am.  This week I have been feeling anxious.  Not the unbearable-panic-attack kind, just the unsettled-mind-won't-stop-making-lists kind.  I can't seem to turn it off.  When I am sitting, I am worrying.  When I am working, my mind is racing.  When I am laying in bed, I am mentally creating check-lists of things I haven't done yet. I know what real anxiety feels like.  In the past three years, I have had three major panic attacks.  I never knew what a panic attack even was until I found myself in the middle of one.  They're not fun; I can tell you that much. The first one was at school.   It was a pretty normal day with very